Friday, November 23, 2007

The Most Wonderful Time

It's the most wonderful time of the year!

Yes it's Black Friday, the beginning of Christmas, the season of letting bygones be bygones, of being the bigger person, of reaching out to those you've wronged or been wronged by. Of spending large amounts of money you don't have on things that you don't need for people you barely tolerate (most) and really love (very few).

Have we as a society completely lost what the Holidays should stand for?

Yesterday during Thanksgiving, the day where one is supposed to be grateful for all the little things one has, like the fact that we are alive, healthy, that we have the opportunity to receive an education, and learn, that we have loved ones who stand by our side no matter what etc.. Instead, Thanksgiving has become for many a chance to drink free alcohol and brag to your loved ones about all the material gain you've acquired throughout the past year. Conversations abound about what you are buying the following day or the following week. After enough drinking, unresolved childhood baggage usually arises and arguments usually ensue, and all Hell breaks loose cause you wanted that Barbie doll when you were 10 and never got it but your brother always gets everything he's wanted cause your parent's love him more, yadayadayada.... you get the picture. Oh, but damn that Turkey is GOOD!

Then there's Black Friday, Retails Glory Day! We can all really appreciate the meaning of Christmas on Black Friday. Customers fighting over merchandise, parking spaces and long ATM lines. Stores getting reprimanded for not having the necessary stock they had advertised in their shoppers, and complete and utter Chaos.

I propose that during Thanksgiving no electronic equipment be turned on, no alcohol be consumed and no stores open before noon the following day. The time and energy that goes into fighting with your loved ones, or with others over money you want to spend buying things that you really don't need could be put to better use by playing table games with family, reminiscing about happier times and doing your damndest to regain those happier times and make them happen once again.
Christmas is about peace, love, sacrifice, empowerment and change. It's an occasion to strive to be a better person, or at least it should be...

So Bring on the Eggnog! Get ready to turn off all your lights when you hear the Christmas Carolers coming, and don't forget to tell your secretary to buy something nice for your Mother!

And right now I will proceed to turn of my computer and go hang out with my family and have a rockin day!
Happy Holidays!!!!

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