Monday, June 16, 2008

Now What?

After 15 years I'm finally a college graduate! Wow!!!!! Now what?

Okay, the excitement is over, I've got a degree in English Literature. Now what?

Finding work is a challenge, for various reasons:
1-with the current state of economic affairs, companies are downsizing, closing or not hiring.
2- unemployment in Puerto Rico is very high right now.
3- I'm limited in my amount of available working hours since I have four children I need to raise and very little, if no help in that department.
4- on the island, there doesn't seem to exist any outside resources or programs to aid single parents who want to have a better quality of life for their children and themselves. (If there are any I am unaware of them)

I love to write and communicate, it's a passion I've had since I was a child, when I used to write "Barbie Goes Bowling" stories in my spiral notebooks. I also think I'm very good at writing, I know that I can improve in certain areas, but that comes with practice and experience. So I keep wondering how can I make my passion work in my favor, how can I make a living from writing here (P.R.)? The answer of course is... I haven't the faintest idea!

I'm a college graduate! I have a degree! Now what?

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